Initial Steps

  1. Get a link to the file with a connection key for the server from
    1. go to "Manage Devices"
    2. select the device for the server, or create a new one by clicking on "Add Device" at the bottom of the page
    3. once on the device detail page, copy the "Server install" link.
  2. open/go to the terminal or ssh session to the server

Distribution Specific Steps

Centos 7

  1. Install the openvpn and wget packages (as root): yum install openvpn wget
  2. change the working directory: "cd /etc/openvpn
  3. download the file for "Server Install": wget -O server_key.ovpn <server install link>
  4. change the working directory: "cd /etc/rc.d/"
  5. crate a bash script for starting openvpn - vim

    killall openvpn
    sleep 2
    nohup openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/server_key.ovpn 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &

  6. save the file
  7. make the new file executable: "chmod uog+x"
  8. edit the rc.local file: "vim rc.local" - add the following line:
    sudo -s -- /etc/

  9. make sure the "rc.local" file is executable and also that it contains "#!/bin/sh" on the first line
  10. reboot the server (if you can) and check the server is connected to your Private Space


  1. Install the openvpn and wget packages (as root): apt-get install openvpn wget
  2. change the working directory: "cd /etc/openvpn
  3. download the file for "Server Install": wget -O server_key.ovpn <server install link>
  4. change the working directory: "cd /etc/"
  5. crate a bash script for starting openvpn - vim

    killall openvpn
    sleep 2
    nohup openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/server_key.ovpn 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &

  6. save the file
  7. make the new file executable: "chmod uog+x"
  8. edit the rc.local file: "vim rc.local" - add the following line:
    sudo -s -- /etc/

  9. make sure the "rc.local" file is executable and also that it contains "#!/bin/sh" on the first line
  10. reboot the server (if you can) and check the server is connected to your Private Space